Restaurant Roundups

Restaurants That Offer Gluten Free Options in Cascais

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I've been suspecting I have issues with gluten for a little over a month, and while I haven't gotten tested for celiac yet (am just starting to eat gluten again after a month break so I can be!), I wanted to make a few lists of gluten free restaurant options I could visit in Cascais in case it does turn out that I have non celiac gluten intolerance or full on celiac disease.

The following are restaurants in the Cascais area that appear to have gluten free options. I do not know if they 100% do, or if they changed their food offerings on their menu, as restaurants sometimes do, so please double check to make sure they actually have gluten free foods on their menus before visiting.

That being said, I think lists like this are helpful for getting ideas at a glance, so let's get into them.

I've actually got a separate article for pizza places that offer gluten free options in the Cascais area - as well as dessert and snack places that offer gluten free options in Cascais - so check that out if you're specifically looking for pizza!

Also one WARNING/DISCLAIMER: sometimes restaurants offer gluten free pasta, but only offer pizza that contains gluten. A lot of these restaurants offer gluten free pasta because they use Rummo's gluten free pasta and then make their own sauces, so they're not specialized enough to make the pasta themselves, even, and don't carry gluten free pizza options either. So MAKE ABSOLUTE SURE when you order from a restaurant advertising gluten free friendly options that the exact dish you are ordering is gluten free.

Enough of a preamble - let's get into the restaurants in Cascais that have gluten free options!

Restaurants in Cascais, Portugal That Offer Gluten Free Options

Take Home Meals in Cascais That Offer Gluten Free Options

1. Cozinha Por Mim Gluten Free

There's a store in Cascais - Cozinha Com Alma, that provides delicious and nutritious homecooked meals that are frozen, meaning you simply defrost and cook or pop straight in the oven to eat. While I don't think Cozinha com Alma has gluten free options available (I will have to check!) my husband and I fell in love with this concept and this particular store, and it would be one of the places I would sorely miss were I to discover gluten is the problem for me.

Well it looks like there is an alternative available - as Cozinha Por Mim also uses this concept - frozen foods and meals that you can pop out of the freezer and cook for yourself when you're ready to have your meal! And all are gluten free! So excited to try this place out.

Also has fresh pastries, breads, cakes, and such that are all gluten free and available for you to buy if you happen to be in the center of town and want a snack. Looks like an incredible option to me!

Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch & Dinner Restaurants That Offer Gluten Free Options

1. House of Wonders

A vegetarian restaurant with the cutest ambience ever and is so absolutely wonderful to visit that I would be happy to take anyone (even carnivores!) here.

Now this one I have tried, I can't even count how many times - although I've never specified wanting a gluten free option, though I am sure at least some of the meals I've had here were gluten free.

All of the photos in this article are of dishes at House of Wonders - by the way. And I lovelovelovelove this place.

Also can confirm because I've had so many different dishes here - everything here I've tried is incredibly tasty and super fresh fruits and vegetables are in every single dish. So healthy, so good, so happy that this gem is in Cascais!

You can check out my review of House of Wonders vegetarian meals here and desserts here, but word to the wise, I'm unsure of which are gluten free because I didn't know I might have an issue with gluten back when I began to frequent this place.

2. Porto di Mare Cascais Gourmet

A dine in restaurant that offers a variety of gluten free options from what I've seen. Rice and meat, as well as seafood and veggie options galore here by the looks of it.

I've also seen reviews that say that this place even offers gluten free pasta, so if that's the kind of dish you'd be up for, be sure to ask.

3. Aqafarina Cascais

Another dine in restaurant that looks like they have quite a few gluten free options on the menu, including gluten free pasta options.

4. Bubbles and Bites

Again, sea food, meat, and veggie dishes galore, and it appears they have a considerable number of gluten free options available.

5. LOCAL Cascais

You guessed it, another restaurant that seems to offer quite a variety of gluten free options on the menu. Not sure if they have gluten free pasta or anything like that, however, you'll need to look into that if it's what you're after.

6. Caffé Italia, EM CASCAIS

Also a restaurant that has a variety of styles of food and meal options, though this one looks like it has a few gluten free options, it doesn't look like it's going to be an overwhelming number of options. At least not in comparison to Porto di Mare Cascais Gourmet, Aqafarina Cascais, Bubbles and Bites, & LOCAL Cascais.

7. Mesa by The Bey Cook

A Lebanese restaurant that seems to have gluten free options on the menu.

I'll be keeping an eye out for more of these gluten free friendly types of places and will most likely update the list over time, and get reviews out as I go to more and more of these restaurants.

Excited to see there are quite a few options - and very excited to try Cozinha Por Mim Gluten Free in particular!