Restaurant Reviews

Worth a Visit for AYCE Sushi @ Angar Sushi, Estoril

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There are a number of different sushi restaurants in Cascais that myself, my husband, and the regulars I go out to sushi with really like visiting (Sushi Come is probably our collective favourite). Many of these are All You Can Eat.

The thing about AYCE is that the variety you get is quite nice - especially for someone who really likes to mix things up during meals out.

Yes, you can get very, very good sushi and that isn't ever in an all you can eat restaurant, but often I find that the AYCE restaurants, at least in Portugal, do a very good job of keeping quality fairly high, and there are only a few restaurants that I feel provide high enough quality sushi to be worth buying in a manner that's not all you can eat.

Sushi Del Mar is one of those places, if you're looking for a recommendation, and it's not so expensive that it breaks the bank.

We keep trying AYCE sushi restaurants, especially since you just never know which of them will be good until you try them, and some of them do close down, like one of our favourites has - Nami, which we sorely miss.

You've gotta have back ups to be safe! So we thought we'd broaden our (geographical) horizons and try Angar Sushi.

It's within a hotel, and has quite a cute, warm ambience. Aesthetically, I don't mind the place at all, and the servers weren't hovering too much, but were a little bit inattentive. No problem, as I prefer a little bit inattentive to hovering.

The AYCE sushi came in the form of preset starters and then a menu from which you can order more. The starters I don't believe are on the menu, these are a little more special.

We got some salmon covered in a delicious sauce as a salad. Yum, but you can't really go wrong with that.

Then there was a good mix of sashimi. Which was tasty. I'm not too fond of tuna, but it wasn't bad. We got some regular tuna and some toasted tuna. And a whole lot of salmon, some of which was doused in soy sauce based sauce and sesame seeds.

The salmon was great - but salmon in Portugal is great in general in my experience. Rarely is it ever not nice.

After that came a set of interesting maki rolls. Many of which were toasted/fried, and I love these as long as they're done well.

They were pretty good, but if you aren't a fan of this type of sushi, I'd advise trading for the regular maki rolls if you're with someone else. I generally prefer toasted, and am not the biggest fan of the more sugary maki rolls, so I usually trade these away.

As there aren't so many, if you aren't the biggest fan of sauces and toasted maki, this isn't too big a deal.

At this point you begin to be able to order things off the AYCE menu that you'd like, and so we got a good mix of different things we suspected would be fairly tasty.

We got a few rounds of these, and I actually remember liking them quite a bit. Loads of interesting maki options, some simpler some more complex.

And we had a round of toasted salmon maki rolls, which were alright, but I definitely preferred the first set we'd ordered.

All in all this place wasn't too bad at all. We'd probably frequent here if we lived in the area, but it's a bit out of the way for us since we don't have a car, and too similar in style, quality, and taste to Yukai, which is fairly close to us.

Yukai probably has a bit of an edge over this place in our books because they use less sugary sauces. Which I really do prefer. So yes, we'd go back, but no, we wouldn't go out of our way to considering the other options we have we like better.

But it was definitely worth going to, and if one of our favourite All You Can Eat sushi restaurants closes down for some reason, this place may end up being frequented by us. You never know!

We're still holding out hope that we'll one day find an AYCE sushi restaurant that we will go out of the way for, because it's just that good. And sadly this wasn't it for us.