Ready-Made Food Reviews

K, I'm Completely Obsessed with Nakd Bars Now

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I've been suspecting I have issues with digesting gluten for the past few weeks. I'm already lactose intolerant and I'm obsessed with bread, so this TOTALLY sucks :(

That being said, in full support of me trying to not be tempted to eat things that make me feel unwell (albeit them being so, so tasty), my husband Thomas gave away a bunch of our tasty imported-from-Italy pasta to a relative who would 100% appreciate it, jumped on the bandwagon and started buying Rummo's Gluten Free Pasta (which we already tried ages ago and knew was delicious) and digging around for tasty foods I could incorporate into my life so I wasn't just eating rice and meat and veggies all the time.

Luckily, here in Portugal, gluten free products are fairly easy to come by, and being a stone's throw away from Italy means the cost of good pasta is quite low in comparison to what the cost would be if we'd lived in America or still lived in Canada (which is where I'm from).

One of the first things that came to mind, probably because he'd been on a health kick himself, was protein bars. He'd bought Cliff bars in Canada before, and started off liking them, but grew quite bored of them fairly quickly.

I'd heard of Nakd bars before but when he pulled up the listing on Amazon and happily pointed out that they had no added sugar AND were gluten free, I figured it was worth a shot. I wasn't much of a bar person in terms of taste, but in terms of convenience, heck yeah.

Ideally I'd be having more snacks in the middle of the day so I could have smaller meals, but because I hate taking time away from what I'm doing for longer than a hot second, and I don't like snacking on junk food, I don't typically end up snacking on anything as often as I know I would ideally be.

We got two different mixed packs. A pack of their regular bars, and their protein bars, just to see which we'd like, and gosh am I completely obsessed with them already. To the point where I legitimately don't even want to bother trying other bars because I know there's less than a 1% chance I'd like them better.

Of the mixed pack of regular bars, we got Cocoa Orange, Blueberry Muffin, Salted Caramel, Peanut Delight, Berry Delight & Cocoa Delight.

Of the mixed pack of Protein bars, we got Cocoa Hazelnut, Caramel, and Peanut Butter. But I talk more about those in this article here.

A full breakdown of the flavours in the regular Nakd bar mixed pack we got -

Regular Nakd Bars Individual Flavour Reviews

1. Cocoa Orange

Tastes like a Terry's Chocolate Orange Dark. But like better? Because it's not so heavy on the orange? And has an amazing texture because of the dates Nakd uses in all their bars. And in bar form which is so much better to me. And more filling, and yet not overwhelmingly filling.. Omg so good.

2. Blueberry Muffin

*(In case you've likely already noticed these do not show up in the pictures of this post because they were eaten long before I could get to them to photograph).

The absolute best. Like ... so addictive-ly good and the #1 choice for both Thomas and I. The first to be eaten up and the one I would choose to demonstrate just how good Nakd bars taste... it's fantastic.

Too good to be true fantastic.

And I definitely think we will keep buying mixed packs, but we ALSO have to buy a full pack of the Bluberry Muffin on it's own, too. It's just A++++.

Also somehow these remind me of chocolate covered raisins? Which are like my favourite ever period.

I think it might be the consistency/texture plus the blueberry taste being a bit like raisin.

Oh and they somewhat remind me of my longstanding addiction to Brookside Dark Chocolate Blueberry. Which I had to kick because those are just not healthy. In any case, cannot say enough good about this particular bar. I really can't.

3. Salted Caramel

Tasty, and not bad at all, but to me, doesn't stand out as much as the others.

4. Peanut Delight

Stars in my eyes. I love this one.

It's like having a healthier version of a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, but like I don't like those, because they're often too sticky tasting and are a bit too sweet for my tooth - and that's not the case with these Nakd Peanut Delights.

They've got just the right consistency, and just the right amount of sweetness for my sugar tooth. This is 100% a perfect desert to me. Same as the Bluberry Muffin Nakd Bar.

5. Berry Delight

Definitely the #2 I would offer someone to try if I were to sell them on Nakd bars. It's not good enough to me to stand up to Blueberry Muffin.

But I'm guessing these would be neck and neck for first place because they are very, very good.

Nothing can hold back my obsession with Blueberries, however, so this is probably not going to get a dedicated order with just these. But they're great!

6. Cocoa Delight

Like a dark chocolate bar from heaven. Soooo my thing! I love these probably just a little bit more than the Peanut Delight. Or tied.

If I got to choose only two from this mixed pack I would get these and the Blueberry Muffin as individual packs and then the rest of what I would be eating would be the protein bars, because somehow I love those just a little bit too much to not get them, and there's peanut butter in those.

Anyhow, I totally approve of these. It's like a chocolate bar replacement to me that's not a downgrade, it's actually an upgrade. So yes, absolutely delicious and would not expect much to beat these for me in terms of taste.

Thoughts on How Healthy Nakd Bars Are

I wouldn't binge Nakd bars, but because they're fairly small, I'd be happy to admit to - going forward - having 1-2 a day and being totally okay with that health-wise.

They obviously have sugar even though they don't have added sugar. That's just what happens when you put ingredients like peanut butter, dates, and berries into things.

I'm okay with that over a regular chocolate bar because I'm eating my sugar with plenty of fibre and plenty of vitamins and nutrients when I'm grabbing one of these. And yes they're essentially replacing desert for me, in a healthier way.

I'm probably going to stick mostly to Nakd's protein bars, cause those feel a touch more healthy to me, and feel a bit more satisfying.

I don't know why, but in most cases, I actually like them better anyway? Maybe it's that additional nutty-texture that they've got in them, which these are great texture-wise, but they make binge-ing them easier and they make the bars feel a slight bit less satisfying to me somehow.

Either way, they're all great, and if you're using them as a chocolate bar replacement or desert replacement in general, I think they're an epic win.

Definitely a must try and yes, I've already started recommending them left, right, and center to friends and family.

I can't imagine other bars being this good, but maybe this positive experience with Nakd bars means I'll give some other ones a go. Maybe. Because these are just so good I can't imagine any other company making a product that strikes my fancy so much.

But Nakd, if you want to create more flavour options, I'm here for it. And can I please request a peanut butter banana flavoured one, if that's possible? I see you have carrot cake, so I'll grab the bigger mix pack to try all the other flavours I haven't, but banana bread and peanut butter banana would be to die for so please try to make it happen if you see this. ;)